Linn has decided to be generous this Christmas and bring high-quality, lossless audio to the masses, in the shape of a series of free high-res audio downloads.
From 1st December, right through to Christmas Day on the 25th, you'll be able to download a 24-bit audio track in ALAC or FLAC lossless quality.
Linn have wittily called this '24-bits of Christmas' – although you'll actually be able to download 25 tracks (or 26 if you count the taster track that's already on offer).
The free download offer will "allow you to explore and expand your musical tastes with a host of different genres, up-coming musicians and a few well-known favourites".
Either way, it's certainly a good chance to experience high-resolution audio and decide for yourself what all the fuss is about.
Linn is currently offering a piece from Handel's Messiah by the Dunedin Consort, to warm up your ears for what they have in store for the rest of the month.
Head over to the Linn Christmas website to get the download.
MORE: High-resolution audio: everything you need to know