Test your high-end hi-fi knowledge with this pricey music quiz

Test your high-end hi-fi knowledge with this pricey music quiz
(Image credit: Burmester)

So which have been the best What Hi-Fi? Temptations products we've tested over the past decade? Well, we've actually just written a feature detailing 15 of our favourites.

In this quiz we're just asking you to match the brand to the sensational piece of high-end kit named in that feature.

That means you can play this quiz one of two ways: either read the article first and see what you remember, or – if you really know your high-end kit – play below first and then read about why we put these amps, turntables and speakers among our 15 favourites tested since 2010.

Either way, you'll get a few clues to help you with each answer. As well as the product name, we're giving you the price and year in which it was tested, as well as the nationality of the brand we want you to click.

Simple, right? You have ten minutes to get through the 15 questions, so you shouldn't run out of time. Just click the play button below and the first product will pop up along with all the possible answers.

Enjoy the quiz and let us know on social media or in the forums how you got on!